Our direct investments primarily focus on the real estate and private equity sectors. Since 2004, we have acquired numerous properties and companies in Kuwait, the UK, and Germany, either independently or in partnership with other investors. Additionally, our portfolio includes a significant presence in liquid investments, such as equities in the Kuwait stock market and funds with reputable financial institutions.
Leveraging our extensive experience in international investment activities, Ali Al-Radwan & Sons General Trading has shown dynamism and proactivity in European real estate and private equity markets. Collaborations with respected Asset Management companies continue to expand our investment horizons.
At the core of our business philosophy is a commitment to long-term perspectives and fostering strong relationships with valued partners. This approach, coupled with efficient business transactions, has earned us a reputation as a trusted family investment firm—one known for fulfilling commitments and delivering returns.
Warm regards,
Mohammed Ali Al-Radwan
CEO, Ali Al-Radwan & Sons General Trading